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Writer's pictureTruman (site admin)

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"The only thing I was told was that they wanted a different direction for the book. I had a 10-minute phone call with the outgoing editor, who gave me the news. I asked what direction they wanted, but since the editor was leaving staff the next day, he didn't really know. So that's all the information I was given. I haven't heard from anyone else, beyond a call from the book's new editor to work out details on my last issue.""I have to admit, I was pretty surprised, since I'd been making the revisions and changes that had been requested by editorial as the book evolved. But it seems like they want something other than what I was giving them. Obviously I'm disappointed that I won't get to continue the story we began telling, and I'll certainly miss working with the art team of Sami Basri and Jessica Kholinne, who are doing amazing work on the series. I wish them and the new writer much success as Voodoo moves forward. I still feel like the New 52 was a very bold and positive move for DC, and for the industry as a whole, and I'm glad to have been a part of it." Here's a link to the full story on Newsarama: I appreciate everyone who gave Voodoo a try while I was on it. We tried to do something a little different with the book, and still keep it firmly set in the DCU. It's up to you to decide how successful we were. Cheers, Ron
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April 4, East Side Mags, Brunswick, NJ. Store signing with artist Tom Raney from 1 to 4 p.m. Website:


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